
This is my blog about japanese food for everyone and I hope you like this because it is my first blog. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Maybe not japanese but I'll tell you that later...

Castella is coming to town!

For those of you who like sponge cake, well maybe you should try Castella.Oh and in the title it said that maybe castella isn't japanese because it was a portuguese origin. They ate castella mostly in festivals and street food. ^^Castella comes in many shapes and sizes.

The rest of the facts are from Wikipedia.

1.Castella could be preserved for a long time, so sailors would use castella if they were out in the sea for several months.

2.Now castella is made with many kinds of ingredients such as powdered green tea, brown suger, and honey.

3. Castella is just like sponge cake.

Pic from: www.roarfish.com/images/cake.jpg

Coming up..

Tonkatsu!Very delicious.So this is how it works, I'll give you about 5 facts .

Ready, GO!

1.Tonkatsu is pork cutlet and is a very popular dish in Japan.

2.It was invented in the early 19th century.

3.Tonkatsu is considered a yoshoku(a western- influenced cooking style)

4.The prices vary from 200 yen for a pre-cooked tonkatsu to a 5000 yen at a expensive restaurant.

5.It is usually served with rice, miso soup(look at miso soup post for info),and tsukemono(japanese pickles).

Info from: Wikipedia
So I'm guessing you just learned something, right?

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Te- ri-ya-ki, Teriyaki!

I love teriyaki, do you? Haven't tried it yet?Well I hope you do soon. Today we will be talking about teriyaki burgers.(Sounds weird right, I know)I'll tell you the food fact and we'll get right to making the burger.

Food fact:In Japan, Mcdonalds, Burger king, and Subway sold teriyaki burgers.(Why not in Canada?)

Now to the cooking:

Let's see, you'll need some lean ground beef,garlic powder,teriyaki sauce,1 egg bun.


1. Mix all the ingredients together until the beef has a uniform consistency.(I don't know what that means.Maybe you do?)

2.Seperate into four quarters.

3.Roll each 1/4 into a ball and then flatten into patty

4Place in a 10-inch pan with a lid for about 4 minutes over a medium heat.

5.Flip patties and wait for 4 more min.

6.You can change the time if you want a well done or rare taste.

Go to http://www.ehow.com/how_2263597_best-teriyaki-burger.html for more information because they explain better than me, but I hope you got something out of what I wrote.

Today we will be doing...


Today I will give a brief discription of what monaka is so this will be pretty short.It will also be is point form(kind of, some might be in sentences). Ok

Here it comes:

-it's like a sandwich.

-filled with jam(azuki bean)

-buns are wafers

-sometimes can be filled with icecream

-wafers shaped like square,triangle,cherry blossom, chrysanthemums

-type of dessert,eaten with tea

Annnd we're done!

I hope you'll try this soon .
Some info. from: Wikipedia

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Can't think of any food,going to be specific

We're going to study California rolls today.(I know it says "California" but it's a kind of sushi)

Here are some facts and at the end I will give you the word of the post:

1.Ichiro Mashita, a japanese chef started substituting avocado as tuna.(How it all started)

2.California rolls are made inside out.

3.California rolls are maki-zushi rolls(In japanese)

4.In 1970s, california rolls were made.

5.It was first sold in a Los Angeles japan store.

Word of the post: Maki-zushi(type of sushi roll)
Don't forget to comment, or be a follower if you like my blog.
Info. from: Wikipedia

I don't know if this is actually a j-food...

So I bet you're geussing what's next, huh? Well I will tell you. It starts with a C and ends with a l. It's chicken meatball!(I'm actually talking about skewered chicken.)In Japan it's called Yakitori.

Here is a list of body parts of a chicken they cook( If you wanted to know):
1.Chicken Heart(o.O)
3.Chicken gizzard(I don't know what that is.)
4.Chicken meatballs
5.Chicken skin
6.Chicken tail
7.Chicken wing
9.Ox tongue(what does that taste like?)
10.Chicken cartilage
Food fact:People ordering yakitori have a choice of having it served with salt or with tare sauce, most of the time.
Word of the post: Yakitori(Which means grilled chicken)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Next up...

Miso soup! For today if you want to try Miso soup why don't you make it yourself.Here is a recipe:


1/4 cup Chopped green onion

dashi soup stock

A block of tofu

miso paste(about 3 tbsps)


1. Put soup stock in pan to boil.

2.Slice tofu into small cubes and drop them in the soup.

3.Simmer tofu on low heat for a few minutes

4. Scoop some soup stock out from the pan and dissolve miso

5.Return the miso mixture in the soup,gradually

6.Stir, stop the heat and add the onions.

Don't boil the soup after you put miso in.
If you want a more detailed recipe, go to http://japanesefood.about.com/od/misosoup/r/misosouptofu.htm I also got the picture there too.
Here is the food fact:Researchers claim that miso soup cuts the risk of breast cancer.